Your go-to practice resource
Yoga: Point + Process is a beautiful and comprehensive, fully illustrated study aid detailing 36 fundamental yoga poses — an excellent resource for every yoga student at any level of experience, whether new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner. You'll refer back to this resource time and again as it supports your practice and study with precision and detail, providing clear and concise instructions, systematically guiding you through four stages in each pose. Point-by-point, the process that integrates fundamental principles while gradually teaching their finer details. Learn these poses intimately, from when to learn each pose to challenges you may face, with complete step-by-step practice instructions that guide you through preparation, entering and exiting the poses safely, and what to do while in the poses themselves.
The yoga process, point · by · point
About the Author Michael Bridge-Dickson has been guiding practitioners on their inner journeys since 2004. Michael’s passion is helping people understand themselves — observing their patterns and habits, the mind revealing itself through the body. Articulate and communicative, Michael strives to reach as many practitioners as possible, showing them how they can benefit from yoga’s gifts safely and effectively while finding personal and physical fulfillment. Michael combines his experience with his writing and illustration skills to bring you this clear and accessible resource for you to integrate and apply useful principles in your practice.
Order your copy today!
Yoga: Point + Process Volume 1
Yoga: Process · Unpacked Companion Workbook
Charting Paths Sequence Planner
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